Saturday, September 19, 2015

You is kind. You is smart. You is important. 25 July 2015

You is kind. You is smart. You is important. 
25 July 2015

     I recently watched "The Help" and I love the recurrent line in the movie when the maid, Aibileen, speaks words of truth and encouragement to a little girl who needed someone to show her she was valuable. (You is kind. You is smart. You is important. )
     In the past few months, I've started talking to parents and children about their future. During rounds on Pediatrics, I often ask a mother or father to please tell their daughter/son to come back to the hospital when they are 15 to begin their formation to be a doctor here in Bere, Chad (Its a random age but its the idea that matters). All the other families gathered around us smile and laugh and the parents usually beam with pride and agree.   Usually I get a smile and nod from the child too as they think "Yes,I will be a doctor and help people."  I don't know what this will mean for their future but I'm trying to plant a seed of success as I whisper a prayer and offer encouragement to each family. They can be something more if they believe it. I want kids in school here. And I want them to know someone believes in them.   I need you to believe in someone too. 
If you can speak words of truth and offer financial support, we can help a child, a community and a country. 
     Children here need help with money for tuition, uniforms and school supplies.  I haven't yet seen the tuition cost for the approaching school year but it has been (unfortunately) raised. 
Kim and I are budgeting about $30 per YEAR for primary school and possibly $60/year for high school (this includes a uniform for $12 and supplies ~$3). 

     If you are willing to "adopt" a student and commit to their future, please visit our blog and make a donation via Paypal (use PayPal acct or a credit card). 
Your donation is 100% tax deductible but more importantly changes someone's life. 

You is kind. You is smart. You is important. 
Words worth sharing!

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