"I haven't finished calling your name..."
Kim, Kim, Kim, I haven't finished calling your name," she sobbed into my shoulder as we sat together on the cement floor of my home. This is the lamentation that cut through me, heart and soul. Naomi is my closest friend in Bèrè and was devastated by the news. She broke our embrace to pull both of my girls onto her lap crying "my girls, my girls!" She is a single mom of 5 boys and we often joked of swapping one or two. Emmie and Grace adore her and Mason would tease, if I ever succumbed to malaria she would be their new mom and they always happily agreed. Her children were my children and mine were hers.
The gathering of women surrounding us expressed their emotions as well, in tears, moans and desperate cries. "How will we care for our children? What will we do? Why? Please do not forget us..." People were streaming into our home as the news spread that the entire mission team was given notice of evacuation. The scene closely resembled a Tchadian wake, as new mourners arrived, others moved out onto the porch to rest on mats while they continued to grieve. It is always a fervent and palpable experience.
Those closest to us stayed all day. I can't count the number of cups of tea I served with the help of my girls and Nicolas who ensured there was enough sugar in each pot.
We always knew we would say goodbye one day... But not this moment, not this manner, not this fast. I am still grief stricken as I write this with tears streaming down my face. Goodbyes are never easy but those that come with the knowledge you will likely not see them again while on this earth are heart wrenching and extremely difficult.
Pray for the people of Tchad who suffer daily in extreme hardship and poverty. Please pray for Naomi, Celine and Babey, all single moms whose names I will not call again in this life. Looking forward to our reunion. Until we meet again... I shall not forget you.
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